Recycle Bank

1800 JFK Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19103
1800 John F Kennedy Boulevard Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19103 US

Recyclebank’s mission is to inspire smarter choices for a more sustainable future. We believe that individual actions, such as increasing recycling or learning about greener ways to purchase, consume or dispose of products, can add up to a big impact for our planet.Recyclebank inspires and rewards smarter, everyday choices for a more sustainable future. It brings together people, businesses and communities to achieve real world impact.

Recyclebank is on a mission to motivate individuals and communities to realize a world in which nothing is wasted — changing how people view their role in creating a more sustainable future.

That is a pretty bold statement, but one that we’re tirelessly working to accomplish. Through partnerships with communities, waste haulers, locally-based businesses and national brands, Recyclebank incentivizes green actions, like recycling, with reward points that can be redeemed for discounts and deals from more than 4,000 reward partners.

We have found that what we call “gaming for good,” which combines game mechanics with environmental good, can have a measurable impact on consumer behavior and the environment, and we have used this concept as the guiding principle for our business since our founding.

By educating and empowering our more than four million members online and offline, we aim to help communities increase recycling rates and encourage Recyclebank members to take other everyday green actions like curbing energy and water consumption and making smarter transportation choices.


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