Meet SolarBeatz: Mobile Performances Powered by the Sun

SolarBeatz sun powered mobile performances

Imagine a mobile stage where song artists and disc jockeys can hold their own private performances while harnessing the power of the sun. That is exactly what Solarbeatz is! Used as an educational catalyst to promote environmental sustainability, it is a creative soundstage alternative to your favorite music venues. The motto is quite accurate, “Fun in the Sun.” The mobile stage displays innovative uses of clean energy. It is a modified food truck equipped with inventive solar, sound, and lighting technology which creates a captivating audio visual experience powered by the sun. Solar energy is stored as renewable energy into a battery bank to sustain power during nightfall. Solarbeatz can be used to provide a clean energy mobile soundstage for any type of event.

The creative minds behind this is a Chicago based public charity called, The GOBI Energy Transformation Project, operated by a team of passionate individuals who are dedicated to educating their local community on sustainability and transforming the current model of global energy resources. Their mission is to inspire a dramatic and lasting impact on the environmental social responsibility of the community through a high energy, interactive, solar powered spectacle. Solarbeatz is an amazing facilitator in starting the conversation on environmental sustainability and alternative ways to utilize clean energy.

SolarBeatz which has been on the road doing community events for four years now, needed a little TLC for their truck and upgrades. They started an IndieGOGO fundraiser and successfully raised over $13,000 to keep on truckin’. It is exciting to see sustainability and festival parties can successfully be accomplished.

Thelisha Aluc

My name is Thelisha Aluc and I was born in Providence, Rhode Island. My parents are from Haitian descent and came to the United States to gain an opportunity for my two siblings and I to have a better life. Although I was born up north, I was raised in sunny North Miami Beach, FL for about 15 years. I graduated from the University of South Florida with my bachelor’s degree in Public Health. My interest in environmental health first came from when I was at a young age. Living in Miami, we would receive testing kits issued by the city to test the quality of our tap water. My parents never understood the purpose of the kit so I decided to test the water myself. Ever since then, I’ve always had in interest in the environment around me. I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in Public Health from the University of South Florida. My goal is to gain a master’s degree in environmental health so that I can work within local government to improve water quality and recycling methods.

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