The Green Evolution is here, Keep it going in 2024

African lion

I welcome you to 2024!

As we embark on a new year and a new journey, let us have peace within our minds and hearts. Stand and be brave and let the winds of change blow over us. The Green Evolution has only just begun, so let us work together and keep moving forward.

For we all have a warrior’s heart and we only speak into this new year with truth and justice.

Remember, when we all come together, as one, as humanity, we bring great change into the world we live in.

I deliver you peace, courage and love in 2024.

Tara LaSalla

Tara is the owner of Green Me Locally which was established in 2010 with a mission to bring awareness to the surrounding community about local eco-friendly businesses, events and sustainable living. She is also a business profitability consultant and specializes in helping companies lower their environmental impact, do good things for people and the planet and become more profitable at the same time. Tara helps companies create simple, sustainable solutions and become totally green while still increasing their profits. Her core belief is that we only have one planet, so it is our obligation to start making changes for the sake of our health and the health of future generations. Tara is known for creating easy solutions for post-consumer waste and the conservation of natural resources. Her clients are inspired and empowered to lead the way to a healthier tomorrow. Tara currently resides in St. Petersburg, FL where she is an active community leader in the form of environmental and marine conservation and education. Her work with the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Tampa Bay Watch and other local organizations continues to inspire those around her to protect our natural resources. She holds true to one of Mahatma Gandhi's most famous principles: "Be the change you want to see in the world."

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  1. perraroebike says:


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