A Land of Delight Natural Farm was birthed out of a passion – a passion for all natural, fresh, and healthy foods, and self-sufficiency. A Land of Delight Natural Farm is a family-owned farm that promotes Self-Sustainability, locally and globally. Market Hours: Open Every Saturday 8a – 5p
Farm fresh brown eggs – hormone free, antibiotic free, NON-GMO, free range – Our happy chickens were raised by our family and are running around the farm all day long scratching for worms & bugs. The egg yokes are not pale yellow like store bought; they are GOLD in color like they are supposed to be. You will never go back to store bought ever again.
We use heirloom seeds and grow organic herbs, vegetables, and fruit – all-natural – locally-grown – NON-GMO -stay tuned for more information.
Aquaponics – We teach Aquaponics growing every Saturday at 10:30 am and we have designed and sell our proven Aquaponics Systems.
We also have our own honey bees that are hard at work making A Land of Delight all-natural raw honey.
Plus, as always, we use our family secret ingredient in everything we do!
Fresh from our family farm to your family table.