Mission Plastic

Reducing Plastic Pollution at the Source

Each year approximately 8-12 million metric tons of plastic end up in our world’s ocean. Plastic pollution consists of abandoned fishing gear, food and beverage containers, bags, polystyrene (Styrofoam), various forms of packaging and more. 80% of plastic that enters the oceans come from land based sources.

Plastic pollution is just one of many problems the oceans are facing today.

While there are many groups and organizations out there tackling the clean up of our oceans, we also need to be focused on stopping the plastic from getting there in the first place. We need to be addressing plastics at the SOURCE. Imagine not having to do clean ups all the time.

The source of plastics is coming from businesses that package their products in plastic. And that is where the focus of Mission Plastic comes into play.

Mission Plastic is a grassroots effort working with small to medium sized businesses and helping them switch from plastic packaging over to a sustainable alternative. We will be collaboratively working with a variety of companies that sell food and beverage products, beauty and hygiene products, and even those that offer delivery services. If something is in plastic packaging, there is most likely a better solution.

The genius of this project is that we have done a lot of the hard work already in identifying companies that make sustainable packaging. We can help connect these companies to the businesses ready to do the plastic switch.

Become a Global Green Tribe Member

We need YOU! As a green tribe member that cares about our planet and wanting to see less plastic in the ocean, this is a project for you. Think about some of your favorite products that you use that may package in plastic. This could be a company we reach out to for the SWITCH. Click here for Green Tribe Membership today.

Get the Mission Plastic Free Badge

Are you a business that already packages plastic free? We made a special badge for you to place on your website that designates you as a business that offers plastic free packaging and is a supporter of the Mission Plastic Campaign. We want to promote business leaders like you. Contact us so we can send you the officially sized web badge of Mission Plastic.