Today it makes sense both for the planet as well as for profit, for businesses to implement green practices and initiatives.
If your business does not have a “green team”, ask if you can be in charge of putting some of these tips into place. They are easy to do. Company morale and the businesses bottom line will both be better off!
- Implement a “lights off” campaign. Post signs asking employees to turn off the lights when they leave a room. This can also include turning off computers or other electronics when not in use.
- Take advantage of natural light. If you have windows or skylights, arrange your office to maximize natural lighting.
- Paper recycling. If you do not offer paper recycling at your business, you are living in the dark ages! Recycling bins can easily be found online. You can also reuse paper by cutting it into scrap paper.
- Become as paperless as possible. This is becoming more and more popular and even expected in a lot of businesses.
- Use non-hazardous and eco-friendly cleaning products. Your work environment will be less toxic, leading to better health for your employees.
- Offer a food co-op. There are many businesses now that deliver organic produce, local goods and other foods. Your business can be a drop off point. Employees will have access to healthier foods and will also be helping local farms in your community.
- Recycle office equipment, batteries, cardboard, metal and more. You’d be surprised about local recycling programs. Reach out to your city or county recycling services to see what is acceptable in your area.
- Encourage ride sharing. With a little effort, you can find out which routes employees are currently taking to work. By having drop off/pick up points, employees can save wear and tear on their cars and get to know one another.
- Buy organic and fair trade coffees and teas. Coffee has a high level of pesticide residue. If cost is an issue, use a pay per cup system.
- Get rid of paper & plastic products in the employee lounge. Employees should be responsible for bringing their own dishes.
What tips do you have for going green at work? Let us know in the comments below.
If your business does not participate