With Halloween just around the corner, the decoration and costume craze seems to spread everywhere. It may look tempting to hit the shop and get all the pumpkins, witches and creepy skeletons right away. On a second thought, Halloween decorations are so short-lived, yet so pricey. Why spend a fortune, when you can create your own crafts from recycled materials you already have in your house. From home decor and party favours to costumes, these projects can make the holiday even more fun. Plus, you will spend some quality time with your kids and help the environment by managing your waste removal in a green way.
Wine Bottle Pumpkins
Don’t be too fast and throw away the wine bottle. Apply some spray paint, stick a masking tape at the front and draw a scary or funny pumpkin face. These decorative pumpkins are great for Halloween themed vases or simply as an addition to your overall interior.
Jar Jack-o-lanterns
Save your glass jars from the garbage and turn them into cute pumpkin lanterns by using Mod Podge, white tissue and crepe paper.
Milk Jug Skeleton
Want to get rid of the gallon milk jugs? The junk removal can wait. Here is a crafty idea how to turn the trash into a Halloween decor treasure. You will need 7 clean and dry gallon milk jugs, crayon or wax pencil and glow in the dark paint. This project may be a bit messy and time-consuming, but it’s worth the efforts.
Bread Tag Monsters
Have you ever thought that the tiny plastic clips that keep the bread bag closed can become a brilliant addition to your Halloween decor? Just use your imagination, paint them like monsters and spread them around your home.
Trash Bag Spiderwebs
Waste removal is not the only time when trash bags may come in hand. You can cut out scary spider webs you can use both inside your home and outdoors. The best thing is that this decoration is pretty durable and storable. You can fold it quickly and use it next year.
Frankenstein Monster Can
You can turn an old kitchen can into virtually everything. Paint it green, put two short flat end screws at each side of the “head, add a large wooden half bead for the nose and draw two large wiggle eyes. That’s it!
Recycled Magazine Spiders
You probably have dozens of magazines you don’t need. Transform them into creepy crawlies by folding them into the shape and size you want.
Juice Box Monsters
Recycled juice boxes can quickly become into spooky cuties with a little bit of glue, colourful fabrics and some rice or sand (for weight).
Popsicle Ghosts
Cut out a flat piece of plastic or carton in the shape of a ghost, witch, cat or spider and attach it to a Popsicle stick.
Thrifty Halloween Bunting
Make the holiday even more cheerful with a festive Halloween bunting. Select the most colourful pages of the old magazines and chop them up.
Cool Bat Costume
The black umbrella you no longer use can become an impressive bat costume. In addition to the umbrella, you will need a black hoodie, needle and thread, pliers, scissors, pins and appropriate tool to cut the umbrella.
Looking for other companies that upcycle or recycle the rest of the year? Check out companies doing good for people and the planet.