Sweetwater Farm Tour

Come tour Sweetwater Organic Community Farm and learn about your neighborhood organic farm.

Tours are available from 1:00 – 2:00 pm on the following dates:
Sunday, January 11th, 2015
Sunday January 18th 2015
Sunday February 8th, 2015

Join us for any of these three days for an informative guided (and free) tour of Sweetwater Farm.  This hour-long session will provide newcomers with valuable information about how our community supported agriculture (CSA) operates and why everyone should consider the environmental impacts of their food choices.  Please bring something to drink and wear close-toed shoes.  Apply sunscreen and bug spray before you reach the farm.  Supervised children are welcome.  Well-behaved, leashed dogs also welcome. We’ll meet you by the Firepit. We’re located at 6942 W Comanche Ave, Tampa, FL 33634   (813) 887-4066  www.sweetwater-organic.org

Sweetwater Farm

Sweetwater Organic Community Farm was established in 1995 as a nonprofit community-supported urban organic farm and environmental education center in Tampa, Florida. We are located on 6 acres of suburban property along the Sweetwater Creek in Tampa’s Town ‘n’ Country neighborhood, in Hillsborough County, Florida. We operate a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Membership program, Sweetwater Sunday Farmers’ Market and Music Series open to the public, educational field trip programs for visiting groups, farm tours, workshops, outdoor movies, seasonal events, volunteer opportunities and more! Through our hands-on programs, visitors of all ages discover the wonders of nature, explore ecological interconnections, practice appropriate land stewardship and master sustainable agriculture techniques. Our farm provides the freshest possible organic vegetables and herbs for hundreds of Tampa Bay residents each year. At Sweetwater, community members come together to grow and enjoy fresh organic food, acquire sustainable living skills, support local agriculture, enjoy nature, make new friends and be a part of the community.

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